Thursday, May 12, 2016

ABC's of a Healthy Me

ABC's of a Healthy Me
We will be implementing the ABC's of a Healthy Me.

ABC's of a Healthy Me printout:

Active play, Every day
 -Active play outdoors 2-3 times per day.
 -Opportunities to practice age-appropriate motor and movement skills
 -Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA)
 -Benefits of active play include the following: supports exploration, development and  learning, helps maintain a healthy weight and avoid excess weight gain, builds and  maintains healthy bones and muscles, increases strength, coordination and fitness,  lowers risk of chronic disease, improves self-esteem, and lowers stress.

Breastfeeding Support
 -American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends: exclusive breastfeeding for the first six  months of life, continued breastfeeding for one year(s) or longer
 -ECE programs provide important support by providing: a private comfortable place to  breastfeed or pump, encouragement, and information on breastfeeding
 -Benefits of Breastfeeding include the following: breast milk is the nest source of  nutrition for infants, provides developmental benefits, encourages maternal-infant  bonding, improves child health (reduces reisk for a variety of infections, reduces risk for  developing several chronic conditions later in life), and improves maternal health (faster  rate of returning to pre-pregnancy weight, decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer)

Cut Down on Screen Time
 -Screen time includes TV, DVs, videos, computer time, smart phone tablets, etc.
 -No screen time for children under age two years
 -Limit or eliminate screen time for children ages 2 years and older (no more than 30  minutes per week in ECE setting/no more than one to two hours per day from all  sources)
 -Benefits of cutting down on screen time includes the following: increases time for  physical activity, decreases exposure to food and beverage advertisements, decreases  snacking and consumption of high caloric foods
Drink Water or Milk
 -Water should be visible and accessible for self-serve inside and outside
 -Choose milk for meals (whole milk for ages 12-24 months, 1% or skim milk for ages 2  years and older
 -Limit or eliminate fruit juice (4-6oz per day, if offered serve only 100% juice)
 -Benefits of drinking water and milk includes the following: does not contribute to  childhood obesity, does not contain added sugars, does not contribute to dental  cavities, milk provides calcium, protein, and vitamin A & D (if fortified)

Eat Healthy Foods
 -serve fruits and /or vegetables at every meal and snack
 -serve fried/pre-fried foods only 1 time per month or never
 -make half of grains whole grains
 -Choose low-fat dairy (1% or skim)
 -Choose lean meats and protein
 -Providing meals "family style" is considered beast practice
 -Benefits of eating healthy foods includes the following: fruits and vegetables provide  vitamins and minerals that are essential for a child's growth, low-fat dairy contains  calcium and protein to help build strong bones and muscles; whole grains, fruits, and  vegetables contain fiber to help increase fullness, maintain a healthy weight, decrease  risk for developing chronic conditions; eating healthy foods at a young age helps  chidren  develop life-long healthy habits

-Kansas Health Foundation
-Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC)
-Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Step It Up Program

RKCLC is participating in a program called Step It Up. This program is providing insight and information regarding healthy habits that encourage a healthy lifestyle. RKCLC will continue to work with students to teach healthier eating habits with the help of our Federal Food Program, and continue to be more active which has proven to help increase the learning abilities of students.

RKCLC provides many outdoor activities that allow the children to increase their fine & gross motor skills using their large and small muscle groups. With three permanent playground fixtures (ages 6-12, 3-5, and 1.5-3 years). Our teachers help the students to make  hopscotch with sidewalk chalk to challenge foot coordination. A field area allows the students to run, playing games such as red light/green lights, have races, play competitive sports such as kickball, soccer, and other activities that build hand/foot-eye coordination. Age appropriate toys are also on each playground to encourage movement and energy exertion.