Thursday, April 7, 2016

Step It Up Program

RKCLC is participating in a program called Step It Up. This program is providing insight and information regarding healthy habits that encourage a healthy lifestyle. RKCLC will continue to work with students to teach healthier eating habits with the help of our Federal Food Program, and continue to be more active which has proven to help increase the learning abilities of students.

RKCLC provides many outdoor activities that allow the children to increase their fine & gross motor skills using their large and small muscle groups. With three permanent playground fixtures (ages 6-12, 3-5, and 1.5-3 years). Our teachers help the students to make  hopscotch with sidewalk chalk to challenge foot coordination. A field area allows the students to run, playing games such as red light/green lights, have races, play competitive sports such as kickball, soccer, and other activities that build hand/foot-eye coordination. Age appropriate toys are also on each playground to encourage movement and energy exertion.